Super Nintendo to 3DO Controller Adapter (SNES23DO)
$64.00 USD
$64.00 USD
Now you can use an array of Super Nintendo controllers, mice, and multi-taps on any 3DO console. Whether you love or hate the original 3DO controllers, 3DO accessories are becoming harder find at a reasonable price. With the SNES23DO controller adapter you can make use of the abundance of SNES controllers and mice.
Dual SNES controller inputs
Dual SNES multi-tap compatible (for up to 8 controllers)
Dual SNES mouse compatible (official & Hyperkin)
8BitDo Wireless Receiver compatible
3DO controller extension port (for daisy chain)
Firmware updatable through USB-C port
3DO USB Host compatible
NES controller compatible (NES-2-SNES cable required*)
Arcade Mode (unlocking Orbatak & Shootout at Old Tucson)
SNES Mouse to SNES controller d-pad mapping
Normal mode (normal SNES to 3DO conversion)
Arcade mode (arcade only games now playable)
Orbatakcoin/start/service buttons mapped to mice and/or SNES controller.
Shootout at Old Tucson coin/start/service buttons mapped to SNES controller d-pad.
Mouse-As-Controller mode (mouse on non-mouse games)
MapsSNES mouse on port B to SNES controller d-pad/A/B buttons on port A.